
Servers Settings (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Servers Settings (Magic xpa 2.x)

Magic servers are the basis for the Client/Server capabilities built into Magic xpa. The Magic server is a File Management and Server Type program, capable of performing Database and File I/O for remote Magic xpa applications. Any Magic xpa installation can access many such servers, residing on various hardware platforms and operating systems, via different communication protocols. From the Server repository you can define the remote Magic servers accessible for database and file I/O services to the current installation. The Server repository also defines the means by which the local Magic xpa software communicates with its host Server.

Server repository information is contained in the [MAGIC_SERVERS] section of the Magic.ini file.

The Server repository includes the following columns:




The server identifier (#) used in the project. Magic xpa sets this column automatically.


Defines the server name for the local Magic xpa. The Server Name, when used within parentheses in any file name, will cause automatic redirection of any input or output request for the file to the Server.

Server Type

Identifies the server types available to transfer and receive data from the host Server.

You can update this setting only by selecting Edit/Zoom (F5) from a list of available servers: Magic Requests Broker, J2EE and Magic xpi.

The server types in the list are only those loaded before Magic xpa itself was loaded. The local Magic xpa and the Server must use the same communication protocol. If a previously defined server has a type that is not recognized, the server type setting is “Unknown”. Trying to open a server without first loading its proper communication driver will fail.

The available server types are:

  • Magic Requests Broker: The Magic Requests Broker (MRB) implements a Requester-Broker connection. The MRB appears in the Server Type list only if the MRB is defined in the appropriate Magic.ini section, and communication support is installed.

  • J2EE Server: Magic xpa lets you generate server components written in Java that are accessible from various types of clients in a J2EE environment. Defining a server of type J2EE and choosing this server in the Messaging Server environment setting, causes the Enterprise Server to serve J2EE requests (like enabling the MGSRVR05 entry in the Mgreq.ini file).
    Magic xpi: This server lets you call from Magic xpa to Magic Software Enterprises' integration platform – Magic xpi. This entry will only appear if you have also installed Magic xpi on your computer. Since version: 1.9n and 2.4

Server Address

The Server's address on the network connecting it to the local Magic xpa installation. The Address is comprised of two parts, separated by a '/' symbol. For example if the server resides on a VMS computer and TCP/IP is the communications protocol, the Server Address should be as follows:


XXXXX stands for the network server name in the host list of TCP/IP on the VMS host computer (VMSSRV for example) and YYYYY stands for the Socket number of the Magic TCP/IP dispatcher on the VMS host computer (1054 for example).

Thus, the string VMSSRV/1054 is the TCP/IP address of the Magic server. Refer to your Communications Driver documentation for the necessary details about network addresses.

The address for a Magic xpi server in the format of: SpaceName=MAGIC_SPACE&LookupGroupName=<name>&LookupLocators=<host:[port]>.

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