
Changing the Systinet Server's Ports and Passwords (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Changing the Systinet Server’s Ports and Passwords (Magic xpa 3.x)


This Technical Note explains how to configure the Systinet server to use user-defined ports rather than the default ports. The Technical Note then goes on to explain the necessary steps for modifying Systinet’s Admin password.

Implementation Steps

Using User-Defined Ports

To change the port numbers that Systinet uses, the following actions are required:

  1. Open %WASP_HOME%\Conf\serverConf.xml.

  2. Search for the string 6060; this string appears only once in the following line:

    transport class="com.idoox.transport.http.server.Jetty" classSpace="root.wasp-impl" defaultServer="true" maxIdleTime="2000" maxReadTime="40000" maxThreads="255" minThreads="5" name="http_server" port="6060" preload="true" scheme="http"> </transport>

  3. Change the entry from 6060 to your desired port number.

To change the port number used in the SSL configuration (after log-in):

  1. Open %WASP_HOME%\Conf\serverConf.xml.

  2. Search for httpsPreferences and change the port number:

<httpsPreferences name="https">












The same change can also be applied via the Systinet console. The settings are available at:

Server preferences -> Transport settings -> Http/s Server

as shown in the image below.

Both changes require restarting the Systinet server as follows:

  1. Test the new settings by logging on to Systinet’s console:


  2. After logging in make sure that the URL uses the newly defined port.

Modifying Systinet’s Admin Password

To change Systinet’s Admin password the following steps are needed:

  1. Open Systinet’s console and log in.

  2. Select Security-> Database of identities as shown in the image below.

  3. In the admin user entry, click the Properties button.

  4. From the Password property, click the Edit entry and submit a new password.

This change takes affect immediately.
